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John German, Senior Fellow, International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT), confirmed for Automotive Megatrends USA 2015

John German, Senior Fellow. International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) has been confirmed as a speaker in the Powertrain Innovation stream at Automotive Megatrends USA 2015, which takes place on 17 March 2015. German is a Senior Fellow for the International Council for Clean Transportation, with primary responsibility for technology innovation and U.S. policy development. German … Continued

John German, Senior Fellow. International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) has been confirmed as a speaker in the Powertrain Innovation stream at Automotive Megatrends USA 2015, which takes place on 17 March 2015.

German is a Senior Fellow for the International Council for Clean Transportation, with primary responsibility for technology innovation and U.S. policy development.

German has been involved with advanced technology and efficiency since joining Chrysler in 1976, where he spent 8 years in Powertrain Engineering working on fuel economy issues. He then spent 13 years doing research and writing regulations for EPA’s Office of Mobile Sources’ laboratory in Ann Arbor, MI. Prior to joining ICCT 6 years ago, he spent 11 years as Manager of Environmental and Energy Analyses for American Honda Motor Company, with an emphasis on being a liaison between Honda’s R&D staff in Japan and regulatory affairs. German is the author of a book on hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles published by SAE and a variety of technical papers, including the future of hybrid vehicles, technology costs and benefits, consumer valuation of fuel savings, feebates, and light truck trends. He was the first recipient of the Barry D. McNutt award, presented annually by SAE for Excellence in Automotive Policy Analysis.

He has a bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Michigan and got over half way through an MBA before he came to his senses.

Organised by Automotive WorldAutomotive Megatrends USA 2015 is a one-day, three stream conference focusing on Powertrain Innovation, the Connected Car, and Retail (R)evolution. The event will take place at The Henry hotel in Dearborn, Michigan. German will be speaking in the Powertrain Innovation stream, which will discuss the technologies and trends due to have the most impact on the evolution of the connected car in North America. Topics covered include OEM strategy, software and apps, networks, device integration, safety and security, location-based services and standards.

To register for this event, please go to

For further details on this event, please contact the event manager, Emma Georgiades: / +44(0) 2921 286 515

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