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MEGATRENDS USA: The connected car of the future requires interaction and personalisation

Automotive Megatrends USA: the connected car of the future can be personalised to meet consumer needs, which many believe is key to its safety and acceptance

The Connected Car stream at Automotive Megatrends USA has seen several speakers focus on how the connected car of the future can be personalised to meet consumer needs, which many believe is key to its safety and acceptance.

Jennifer Wahnschaff, Vice President, Instrumentation and Driver HMI, Continental, expressed the view that it is vital for the connected car in the future to offer the consumer a holistic HMI which is personalised to their driving needs. “We believe that the industry needs to personalise the driving experience based on what the consumer expects from their connected car,” she stated.

The supplier focuses on personalising the driving experience through the in-car HMI. “We ensure that the driver is not only safe but satisfied with their driving experience, and ensure that information sent to the driver is provided in the most efficient way,” said Wahnschaff.

Continental believes automation and connectivity are two of the driving forces shaping global industry development
Jennifer Wahnschaff, Vice President, Instrumentation and Driver HMI, Continental, expressed the view that it is vital for the connected car in the future to offer the consumer a holistic HMI

“Some people might not have arms long enough for a touch screen,” she noted. “Some may prefer buttons, or appreciate touch screens, or require a simple HMI.”

Wahnschaff also explained that the information provided to the driver should only be information that is critical at the time. “It needs to be consolidated and tailored to as not create additional distraction for the driver.”

Paul Asel, Managing Director, Nokia Growth Partners, also addressed the prospect of personalising the connected vehicle to meet the needs of consumers. “The average person spends around 50 minutes in a car alone per day yet cars and drivers are still very much reliant on broadcast media,” he stated. “Entertainment in the connected car the future will be personalised, and safety measures will be more contextualised and personalised based on driving habits.”

Rachel Boagey

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