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1st assessment of PSA Career Mobility and Transition Platforms

PSA Peugeot Citroën today assembled at its headquarters in Paris the public and private players tasked with stimulating local job markets via its Territorial Career Mobility and Transition Platforms. The aim of the meeting was to assess the platforms’ first achievements and strengthen ties between career mobility and transition stakeholders. These platforms were launched as … Continued

PSA Peugeot Citroën today assembled at its headquarters in Paris the public and private players tasked with stimulating local job markets via its Territorial Career Mobility and Transition Platforms. The aim of the meeting was to assess the platforms’ first achievements and strengthen ties between career mobility and transition stakeholders.

These platforms were launched as part of the New Social Contract, with the full support of regional councils, the civil service, the French Union of Metallurgy and Mining Industries (UIMM) and partner companies.

They are already up and running in the regions where PSA Peugeot Citroën operates: Alsace, Brittany, Franche-Compté, Ile-de-France and Nord/Pas-de-Calais. They focus on:

  • The creation of a secure, supportive gateway for employees transitioning towards companies that are hiring. A career transition passport has been created. Based on a pre-hiring agreement in a partner company, the passport calls for at least 300 hours of training. The holder remains an employee of PSA Peugeot Citroën during the training period, and, once the definitive job contract is signed, until his or her trial period with the new employer is completed.
  • The development of training for young people. In 2015, PSA Peugeot Citroën hired over 2,000 young people on work-study contracts across the Group’s sites in France, in the areas of production, R&D, human resources, marketing, business and IT. The Group gives them on-the-job training in one of its 110 professions and, on completion of their course, offers them the opportunity to obtain sustainable employment with employers who in turn benefit from the quality of the training PSA provides.

This approach is aligned with the converging concerns of employee representatives and public officials, as expressed in the inter-professional national agreement (ANI) of 11 January 2013 and the Act of 14 June 2014 voted following the proposals of the Gallois report on competitiveness.

Commenting on the results of the assessment, Xavier Chéreau, Executive Vice President Human Resources, said: “Through its Territorial Career Mobility and Transition Platforms, PSA is demonstrating its commitment to securing jobs and safeguarding the career paths of its employees by developing collective initiatives to stimulate the job market at a local level.”

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