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Volkswagen shareholders adopt resolutions on formal approval of actions of Supervisory Board and Board of Management and on dividend

The shareholders of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft voted by a majority of 99.98 percent to approve the recommendation of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board to pay a dividend of 0.11 (prior year: 4.80) EUR per ordinary share and 0.17 (4.86) EUR per preferred share. Approximately 67.5 million EUR will therefore be distributed. In addition, … Continued

The shareholders of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft voted by a majority of 99.98 percent to approve the recommendation of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board to pay a dividend of 0.11 (prior year: 4.80) EUR per ordinary share and 0.17 (4.86) EUR per preferred share. Approximately 67.5 million EUR will therefore be distributed. In addition, the resolution on the formal approval of the actions of the members of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board for fiscal year 2015 was passed by 93.69 percent of the ordinary shareholders represented at the Annual General Meeting.

Furthermore, the shareholders eligible to vote confirmed the appointment of Supervisory Board Chairman Hans Dieter Pötsch to the Supervisory Board following his appointment by Braunschweig District Court in October 2015. The Annual General Meeting also elected Dr. Hessa al Jaber to the Supervisory Board. She will represent Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) and succeeds Akbar al Baker, Minister of State and Group Chief Executive of Qatar Airways, who steps down from his post with effect from the end of the Annual General Meeting. Hessa al Jaber is an engineer and the first woman to represent the State of Qatar on the Supervisory Board of an international group.

Moreover, Annika Falkengren, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Swedish SEB AB, and entrepreneur Dr. Louise Kiesling were elected to the Supervisory Board for a full term. Both were already members of the Supervisory Board. With Hessa al Jaber, Annika Falkengren and Louise Kiesling, three of the ten shareholder representatives’ offices on the Supervisory Board are held by women.

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