DENSO Corporation today announced that it will build an additional plant to expand production to include instrument clusters at the DENSO Iwate plant in Kanegasaki-cho, Iwate Prefecture, to enhance the competitiveness of the group’s production system in Japan.
DENSO Corporation will invest approximately US$88 million (approx. 10 billion yen) and the number of employees required will increase to around 1,000 by 2020. Construction will start in October 2017 and will be completed in October 2018. Production will begin in May 2019 and increase in stages.
DENSO Iwate currently manufactures semiconductor wafers, and will start production of semiconductor sensors in June 2017. DENSO Iwate will expand its production lineup from semiconductor wafers to electronics products, and will improve its capability to meet customer needs and also contribute to the development of the local community.