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MAN’s Munich plant receives national “Healthy Workplace” award

At the prize-giving ceremony for “Germany´s Most Active Companies 2017”, MAN received the special “Healthy Workplace” Platinum Award. This prize is awarded by the Institute of Management (IFU) as part of its “Healthy Companies” initiative, which is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It signifies IFU´s acknowledgement of the considerable efforts … Continued

At the prize-giving ceremony for “Germany´s Most Active Companies 2017”, MAN received the special “Healthy Workplace” Platinum Award. This prize is awarded by the Institute of Management (IFU) as part of its “Healthy Companies” initiative, which is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It signifies IFU´s acknowledgement of the considerable efforts made by MAN in the field of health promotion at its Munich site. As an attractive employer, MAN advocates exemplary measures to promote the health of its employees, while also integrating these into its corporate philosophy and everyday work.

Along with numerous modifications and improvements in the workplace, MAN received recognition for its “Training and Use of Ergonomics Coaches” project. Specially trained members of staff provide colleagues with individual advice and assistance, as well as tips on correct working posture. The project was originally initiated by the staff themselves.

“Health promotion has been an important topic at MAN for a long time now. In recent years, we have also made considerable efforts to optimize our work environment. We see the award now received for this input as an incentive to systematically continue. It is only by way of optimal health promotion measures that we shall be able to master future challenges at the site – such as demographic change for instance,” emphasized Plant Manager Dr. Martin Meyer.

“In our view, this award is the well-deserved result of many years of joint effort at MAN. In both the production and administration sectors – our expansive endeavours are finally bearing fruit,” says Saki Stimoniaris, Chairman of the Works Council. “Health is a key issue in the life of our colleagues and a positive situation in the workplace is highly conducive to good health. In this regard, we have found ideal solutions. The prize will motivate us to continue along this path.”

The national award for “Germany´s Most Active Companies 2017” acknowledged the achievements of the fifteen best companies in the categories bronze, silver, gold and platinum.

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