At an extraordinary general meeting of Scania AB on 23 May, Lilian Fossum Biner was appointed as a member of the company’s Board of Directors and on the same day was elected as a member of its Audit Committee.
Lilian Fossum Biner holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Business and Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and has broad experience from the consumer and food retail sector, having previously held senior positions at Axel Johnson AB and Electrolux, among other companies.
Since 2016, Fossum Biner has served as Chairman of the Board of Cloetta AB. She is also a member of the Board of a-connect (group) ag, Carlsberg A/S, Givaudan S.A. and LE Lundbergföretagen.
Through the appointment of Fossum Biner, Scania’s Board of Directors will be expanded by one member – to a total of twelve ordinary members, of whom two are representatives of the company’s trade unions and two are deputies for these representatives. The composition of the Board of Directors is presented on Scania’s website,
SOURCE: Scania