28 739 LADA cars were sold in Russia in May, 2019, which is equal to the result of May year ago (+0.4%). In total, 143 418 LADA cars were sold in Russia in five first months of 2019 that is by 3.6% more vs the same period of 2018.
LADA Granta occupies the leading positions in May, 2019, 11 095 cars of this family found their owners. Sales growth made 30.7% vs May, 2018. LADA Granta is the leader both in terms of the brand and in general in the Russian market. 52 373 cars of the LADA Granta model range were sold within 5 months.
LADA Vesta took the second position in the LADA sales rating. 8 818 cars were sold in May, the sales growth vs the same month of last year reached 14.9%. Since early year 46 837 LADA Vesta cars found its owners.
LADA continues to increase the reached market share, which, according to the Company`s estimate, late in May made about 21%.