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Volkswagen confirms strategic financial targets of Together 2025+

The Volkswagen Group has in principle confirmed the strategic targets set out in its strategy Together 2025+

The Volkswagen Group has in principle confirmed the strategic targets set out in its strategy Together 2025+ for operating return on sales, return on investment, capex ratio and R&D cost ratio, net cashflow and net liquidity within the Planning Round 68. “We are continuing to pursue our ambitious strategic financial targets for 2020 and 2025. We also confirm our outlook for 2019. The Volkswagen Group remains very robust in the face of increasingly difficult economic conditions. However, we will have to apply systematic cost discipline to reach our long-term goals,” Frank Witter, the member of the Volkswagen Group Board of Management responsible for Finance and IT, said in describing the impact of Planning Round 68 on the strategic financial targets.

Volkswagen confirms strategic financial targets of Together 2025+

SOURCE: Volkswagen

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