Daimler AG proposes Timotheus Höttges for election to the company’s Supervisory Board. On the basis of a recommendation by the Nomination Committee, the Supervisory Board of Daimler AG has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting that Timotheus Höttges be elected to the Supervisory Board as a member representing the shareholders with effect from the end of the Annual General Meeting held on April 1, 2020 until the end of the Annual General Meeting that passes a resolution on the ratification of the actions of the Supervisory Board for the fourth financial year after the beginning of his term of office.
“Timotheus Höttges is an experienced CEO and a proven expert for digitization in the telecommunications sector. Deutsche Telekom AG has made great progress under his leadership. With his qualifications, he is an excellent fit in the Supervisory Board of Daimler AG,” stated Manfred Bischoff, Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Paul Achleitner will step down from the Supervisory Board of Daimler AG after ten years on April 1, 2020. In a letter to Manfred Bischoff, he announced at an early stage that he did not intend to stand for a third term of office. “After careful consideration, I have decided not to stand for reelection. The understanding of appropriate time limits for board memberships has changed a lot recently. At this point in time, I therefore cannot and do not wish to commit for a further five years,” stated Achleitner.
On behalf of the entire Supervisory Board, Manfred Bischoff expressly thanked Paul Achleitner for his dedicated work in the Supervisory Board and his contributions, which were focused on the well-being of the company. “This decision deserves our respect. Over the past ten years, Paul Achleitner has enriched our board with his experience and expertise,” said Bischoff.
SOURCE: Daimler