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Pirelli: shareholders meeting called for 18 June 2020

Participation of shareholders will be through the appointed representative

Pirelli & C. S.p.a. announces that today it called – in ordinary and extraordinary session – a Shareholders Meeting in Milan, at Via Agnello 18, the offices of Studio Notarile Marchetti, at 10.30 am on Thursday 18 June 2020 in sole call.

In ordinary session, as well as deliberating with regard to the 2019 financial statements and the allocation of profits, the Shareholders Meeting shall also see to – through slate vote – the appointment of a new Board of Directors for the next 3-year period, determining the number of members and their relative compensation and nominating the Chairman. The Shareholders Meeting will also be called upon to approve the remuneration policy for 2020 and express itself, through an advisory vote, on the compensations paid in 2019, and approve the adoption of the 3-year (2020/2022) monetary incentive Plan (LTI Plan) for the Pirelli group’s management and deliberate on the “Directors and Officers Liability Insurance” policy. In extraordinary session, the Shareholders Meeting will be called upon to approve some amendments to the bylaws mainly relating to new laws regarding gender quotas.

The 2019 Annual Report, accompanied by the related documentation (first item on the agenda), was made available to the public on 15 April 2020 at the Company’s registered office in Milan (Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 25), at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and via the authorized storage mechanism eMarket Storage ( as well as published on the Company website

Today, at the same time as the publication of the notice of call for the shareholders meeting and in the same ways mentioned above, the reports by Directors and the resolutions’ proposals related to the remaining items on the agenda, as well as information documents regarding the LTI plan, were made available to the public.

Conduct of the shareholders meeting

In order to reduce the risks associated with the Covid-19 health emergency, the Company has decided to take advantage of the option, set out in Legislative Decree no. 18 of 17 March 2020, which establishes that the participation of those who have the right to vote take place exclusively through the Appointed Representative, without the physical presence of those who have the right. For further information regarding the Shareholders meeting please refer to the notice of call and to what is indicated in the Company’s website in the section dedicated to the event.

SOURCE: Pirelli

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