The safety and protection of road users is of central importance to Daimler Buses with its brands Mercedes-Benz and Setra. That is why the service brand Omniplus offers Sideguard Assist as a retrofit solution. More than 250 systems have been fitted in Mercedes-Benz and Setra buses in Germany alone.
Turning manoeuvres to the right in city traffic are among the most difficult tasks for a bus driver. Not only do they have to observe traffic lights, signs, oncoming and crossing traffic all at the same time, but they also have to keep an eye on any pedestrians and cyclists. When turning, Sideguard Assist warns the bus driver of moving objects on the door side, protecting pedestrians and cyclists in particular.
At the heart of the system is a short-range radar sensor. It is fitted directly behind the front axle and monitors a zone up to three metres wide alongside the bus. When the vehicle is stationary, the assistance system covers a length of eight metres, and when moving, even a distance of twelve metres, including a strip to the side in front of the vehicle. Thus the entire area where cyclists and pedestrians are at risk when the bus starts to turn is covered. The radar sensor monitors several stationary and moving objects simultaneously.
The retrofitted Sideguard Assist functions up to a speed of 30 km/h and operates in multiple stages: if a moving object is located in the monitored zone along the side of the bus, the driver is informed visually in a fraction of a second. A yellow LED lamp lights up at eye level on the A-pillar on the door side. It intuitively directs the driver’s attention to the situation next to their vehicle. If the turn signal to turn right is activated, the LED lamp lights up red and a warning tone is issued.
Sideguard Assist is activated automatically when the ignition is switched on and cannot be deactivated. Its robust radar technology is not influenced by environmental factors such as rain, fog, snow, light reflexes or dirt – as opposed to other technologies – and functions around the clock, day and night. The components used are extremely durable.
Sideguard Assist is available for all solo and articulated buses from Mercedes-Benz (except minibuses) and Setra with CAN bus and FMS interface. This includes all the current and predecessor models going back to at least 2010. As the system by far exceeds legal requirements, it is also eligible for subsidies. Safety when turning has never been so attractive.
SOURCE: Daimler