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Toyota: Sales, production, and export results for November 2021

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announces its sales, production, and export results for November 2021, as well as the cumulative total from January to November, including those for subsidiaries Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. and Hino Motors, Ltd.

In November 2021, despite the remaining impact of a parts supply shortage continuing from last month caused in part by the spread of COVID-19 in Southeast Asia, global sales and production are recovering, and production in particular was at almost the same level as the previous year. We are continuing to closely monitor the spread of COVID-19 and parts supply shortage trends, but as a result of cooperation from suppliers, our production plans from December onward are expected to be at high levels. Going forward, we will continue to make every effort to minimize the impact.

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announces its sales, production, and export results for November 2021, as well as the cumulative total from January to November, including those for subsidiaries Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. and Hino Motors, Ltd.

November 2021

Sales Results

Record high Toyota Daihatsu Hino Record high Total
Worldwide sales 774,143(-9.2) 64,612(-0.6) 14,171(12.0) 852,926(-8.3)
Sales inside of Japan
Incl. minivehicles 116,370(-18.5) 49,573(-10.9) 4,873(-0.7) 170,816(-16.0)
Market share 33.0(-1.7)     48.4(-0.9)
Excl. minivehicles 113,576(-18.8)      
Market share 51.7(-3.5)      
Sales outside of Japan 657,773(-7.3) 15,039(60.6) 9,298(20.0) 682,110(-6.1)

Worldwide sales: 3rd consecutive month of decrease;
Sales inside of Japan (including minivehicles): 3rd consecutive month of decrease;
Sales outside of Japan: 3rd consecutive month of decrease

Worldwide sales: 3rd consecutive month of decrease;
Sales inside of Japan (including minivehicles): 3rd consecutive month of decrease;
Sales outside of Japan: 3rd consecutive month of decrease

Production Results

Record high Toyota Daihatsu Hino Record high Total
Worldwide production 821,329(-0.8) 124,676(27.5) 19,450(50.7) 965,455(2.8)
Production inside of Japan 275,234(-7.9) 80,350(13.5) 15,927(38.9) 371,511(-2.5)
Production outside of Japan 546,095(3.2) 44,326(64.4) 3,523(144.5) 593,944(6.5)

Worldwide production: 4th consecutive month of decrease;
Production inside of Japan: 4th consecutive month of decrease;
Production outside of Japan: First increase in 4 months

Worldwide production: First increase in 4 months;
Production inside of Japan: 4th consecutive month of decrease;
Production outside of Japan: First increase in 4 months

Exports Results

Record high Toyota Daihatsu Hino Record high Total
Exports 161,631(-10.4) 0(―) 6,721(16.1) 168,352(-9.6)

4th consecutive month of decrease<

4th consecutive month of decrease

*  Unit Vehicles. Figures in ( ) show year-on-year percentage change. Market share: Percentage. Figures in ( ) show year-on-year percentage points.
*  Worldwide sales Sales inside of Japan + Sales outside of Japan
*  Sales inside of Japan Registrations + Notifications (incl. overseas-manufactured models)
*  Sales outside of Japan Definition of “sales” varies by country or region
*  Worldwide production Production inside of Japan + Production outside of Japan
*  Production inside of Japan Complete vehicle + Kits for overseas assembly (figure as of line-off in Japan)
*  Production outside of Japan Vehicles produced outside of Japan, excluding kits from Japan (figure as of line-off on site)
*  Exports Exports from Japan to other countries and regions (figure as of time of ship loading)
*  ◎ shows a record high for a single month, and ○ shows a record high for the corresponding month

For January to November 2021

Sales Results

Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Worldwide sales 8,763,916(12.7) 658,183(3.4) 140,189(9.7) 9,562,288(12.0)
Sales inside of Japan
Incl. minivehicles 1,363,349(-1.2) 524,108(-3.7) 55,204(-0.1) 1,942,661(-1.9)
Market share 33.1(+0.4)     47.2(+0.3)
Excl. minivehicles 1,329,925(-1.6)      
Market share 51.6(+0.4)      
Sales outside of Japan 7,400,567(15.7) 134,075(45.5) 84,985(17.3) 7,619,627(16.1)

Production Results

Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Worldwide production 7,783,316(8.8) 1,191,216(12.1) 155,967(32.2) 9,130,499(9.5)
Production inside of Japan 2,617,202(-2.0) 790,778(-4.3) 127,239(25.9) 3,535,219(-1.7)
Production outside of Japan 5,166,114(15.2) 400,438(69.5) 28,728(69.4) 5,595,280(18.1)

Exports Results

Toyota Daihatsu Hino Total
Exports 1,587,173(-0.1) 0(―) 61,827(53.5) 1,649,000(1.2)

SOURCE: Toyota

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