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Mitsubishi Motors announces production, sales and export figures for September 2023 and first half of fiscal year 2023

Mitsubishi Motors announces production, sales and export figures for September 2023 and first half of fiscal year 2023

Fiscal Year 2023
Calendar Year 2023
Volume YoY(%) Volume YoY(%) Volume YoY(%)
Production Domestic Production 44,791 94.4 229,251 110.4 359,984 111.8
Overseas Production*1 49,564 83.7 255,804 91.5 401,046 92.3
Total 94,355 88.5 485,055 99.5 761,030 100.6
Registrations Total 4,657 93.4 21,906 91.3 36,040 91.1
Minicars Total 7,027 152.0 26,258 132.4 40,383 130.5
Grand Total 11,684 121.6 48,164 109.9 76,423 108.4
Exports Total 19,834 77.1 112,256 111.5 171,422 108.9

*1 Beginning fiscal 2012, locally branded models produced in China, which to date had been included in the output figure for China, are now excluded
*2 Includes imports to Japan

[ Summary : September 2023 ]

< Domestic Production >
September 2023・・・Second consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since July, 2023
( 94.4% year-on-year )
< Overseas Production >
September 2023・・・Third consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since June, 2023
( 83.7% year-on-year )
< Total Production >
September 2023・・・Second consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since July, 2023
( 88.5% year-on-year )

< Domestic Sales >
September 2023・・・First consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since August, 2023
( 121.6% year-on-year )

< Exports >
September 2023・・・First monthly year-on-year decrease in 8 months since January, 2023
( 77.1% year-on-year )

Supplemental Information

< Overseas Production >
Asia 48,504 units : 85.4% year-on-year ・China0 units : 0.0% year-on-year ・Thailand28,817 units : 106.7% year-on-year ・Indonesia12,631 units : 84.7% year-on-year

< Exports >
Asia102 units : 20.7% year-on-year North America8,241 units : 59.9% year-on-year Europe612 units : 27.4% year-on-year

[ Summary : First half of calendar year 2023 ( April 2023 – September 2023 ) ]

< Domestic Production >
First Half of Fiscal year 2023・・・Second consecutive year-on-year increase since first half of fiscal year 2021
( 110.4% year-on-year )
< Overseas Production >
First Half of Fiscal year 2023・・・First year-on-year decrease since first half of fiscal year 2020
( 91.5% year-on-year )
< Total Production >
First Half of Fiscal year 2023・・・First year-on-year decrease since first half of fiscal year 2020
( 99.5% year-on-year )

< Domestic Sales >
First Half of Fiscal year 2023・・・Second consecutive year-on-year increase since first half of fiscal year 2021
( 109.9% year-on-year )

< Exports >
First Half of Fiscal year 2023・・・First year-on-year increase since first half of fiscal year 2021
( 111.5% year-on-year )

Supplemental Information

< Overseas Production >
Asia 250,959 units : 93.8% year-on-year ・China0 units : 0.0% year-on-year ・Thailand134,125 units : 101.6% year-on-year ・Indonesia78,675 units : 104.5% year-on-year

< Exports >
Asia1,525 units : 46.4% year-on-year North America50,712 units : 113.8% year-on-year Europe9,104 units : 86.1% year-on-year

SOURCE: Mitsubishi Motors

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