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Audi: Gernot Döllner: “A clear sign for more focus, efficiency, and profitability”

In order to make Audi competitive and future-proof in times of intensified competition and far-reaching shifts in the automotive industry, management and employee representatives have entered into an agreement for the future

Gernot Döllner, Chairman of the Board of Management:

  • “Together with the employee representatives, we have reached a strong agreement for the future of the company and the Audi team. The negotiations have a clear winner: Audi.”
  • “At Audi, the signs point to a new beginning: we have laid the foundation for the consistent reorganization of the company. Together, we are sending a clear signal for more focus, efficiency, and profitability at our German sites.”
  • “The agreement is an important milestone for Audi. Starting from scope-driven target pictures, we are strengthening our competitiveness and setting up in a future-proof manner.”
  • “Audi must become faster, more agile, and more efficient. One thing is clear: this cannot be done without personnel adjustments. Together, we will match the personnel measures to the scope.”
  • “There will be no layoffs due to operational reasons until the end of 2033. In these difficult economic times, this is good news for all employees.”
  • “We are investing eight billion euros in our German sites. We are setting Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm up to be robust and flexible for the challenging transition to electric mobility.”

Xavier Ros, Member of the Bord of Management Human Resources:

  • “We have achieved a real breakthrough. Now it is a matter of fleshing out the measures we have decided on and implementing them – step by step, in a socially responsible manner and in dialog with the employees. The employee representatives are our partners along every step of the way.”
  • “Everyone at the negotiating table was aware of the urgency to act: a lot is at stake, so there were no limits on what we could think about. In the end, we came together as equals and made forward-looking decisions for Audi that are supported by the workforce. This strengthens the team spirit and makes us more stable as a company.”
  • “Some of the key points of the agreement for the future will mean cutbacks for employees. We are aware of that. At the same time, they are absolutely necessary to avoid redundancies. That was and is my goal. And we have secured that for the period up to 2033.”
  • “Audi is focusing and consistently aligning its team setup with the requirements of the future. This will enable us to enter the next phase of transformation together and stronger than ever.”

Jörg Schlagbauer, Chairman of the General Works Council:

  • “The collectively agreed monthly wage is secured. There will be no reduction in pay-scale wages and no elimination of internal benefits and supplements such as the Audi Component. The current wage increases will also not be postponed. They will take effect as planned on April 1, 2025 and April 1, 2026. This fulfills a key demand from the workforce – indeed, a clear directive from our colleagues to us.”
  • “Through temporary reduction and a new structure of the profit share program, the Audi workforce is giving a major contribution to making the four rings weatherproof and future-proof again. Overall, the Audi workforce is investing many, many millions of euros in its own future over coming years.”

Rainer Schirmer, Vice Chairman of the General Works Council:

  • “In the negotiations, the works council committees at both locations and the company worked together in a spirit of mutual trust and respect. The cooperation with IG Metall, which took place across two collective bargaining districts and two offices, was also unique. Together, we were able to ward off many of the company’s demands.”
  • “We were able to future-proof both sites. For Neckarsulm, this means, among other things, that we were able to secure a “future fund” for plant development, which we can use to set up new production platforms – for future electric models. To this end, Neckarsulm is to be expanded as an AI and digitalization center for the entire Audi Group. The focus here will be specifically on the area of production.”


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