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India eyes scrappage scheme to supplement emissions rules

A new retirement plan for older vehicles will boost efforts to curb air pollution. By Freddie Holmes

A proposal put forward by the Indian government means any commercial vehicle (CV) older than 15 years could be scrapped if it fails an emissions test.

Special report: Truck and bus emissions standards

Vehicles that are more than 15 years old are said to account for just 15% of India’s total fleet, but can be up to ten times more polluting than new models. The plan is to fish out the worst offenders and replace them with modern alternatives. The scrappage scheme has no direct relation to the Bharat Stage (BS) emissions standards in force, but it would have a similar effect: cleaner vehicles.

Under the Voluntary Vehicle Fleet Modernisation Programme, models that do not pass a mandatory emissions test will be hoicked off the road. Each ‘fitness test’ will be

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