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Are we ready for the connected car? A look into safety and security from a microchip perspective

Presentation by Shawn Slusser, Vice President, Automotive Business, Infineon Technologies Americas at Automotive World Megatrends USA 2014. [button color=”#996633″ background=”#febd4b” size=”small” src=”″ rel=”nofollow”]Listen to the MP3[/button]  [button color=”#5d7731″ background=”#a1cc59″ size=”small” src=”″ rel=”nofollow”]Presentation slides[/button]

Presentation by Shawn Slusser, Vice President, Automotive Business, Infineon Technologies Americas at Automotive World Megatrends USA 2014.

[button color=”#996633″ background=”#febd4b” size=”small” src=”″ rel=”nofollow”]Listen to the MP3[/button]  [button color=”#5d7731″ background=”#a1cc59″ size=”small” src=”″ rel=”nofollow”]Presentation slides[/button]

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