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Automotive World Magazine – December 2021

Automotive World Magazine features the best and sharpest Automotive World content, curated specifically to help you understand the future of mobility

Automotive World Magazine – December 2021

COP26 monopolised much of the European mobility industry’s attention at the start of November. Hailed as the most significant climate event since the Paris Agreement, it produced a notable emissions-free vehicle pledge from 13 nations and multiple companies, but there was an overriding recognition that it was time to look beyond the tailpipe for real environmental improvements. In this month’s issue we take a deep dive into some of the discussions that took place in Glasgow.

We also hear from Adrian Hallmark on how Bentley is preparing for a radically new mobility paradigm. As electric motors replace internal combustion engines and shoppers prioritise digital experiences over revs per minute, the luxury segment faces unique challenges. Marques that have prided themselves on brand heritage, driving pleasure and handcraftsmanship are suddenly scrambling to remain relevant in an electric, autonomous future.

C-suite and analyst insights also tackle EV charging infrastructure, Russia’s ambitions around autonomous driving, Volkswagen’s investment in OTA updates, and Mary Barra’s claims that GM is undervalued.

In this issue:

  • Bentley CEO on positioning luxury for an electric, autonomous future
  • EVs are just the start: transport takeaways from COP26
  • Vision Zero in sight for CV segment
  • Russia plants the seeds for future commercial AV mobility services
  • Could smart driver monitoring match self-driving safety?
  • OTA steers the course for Volkswagen’s software transformation
  • What do consumers really want from the connected vehicle?
  • EVs pose new noise and vibration challenges
  • Masters of our destiny? The automotive industry needs to widen its gaze
  • Tesla’s open Supercharger network: publicity stunt or game-changer?
  • “General Motors is undervalued,” says CEO
  • EV battery degradation regulation can reassure consumers
  • Russia’s truck market braces for another torrid period
  • Interoperability crucial for EV charging, says Greenlots CEO

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