Fascination for sport is a major aspect of the Mercedes-Benz Museum. Indeed the permanent exhibition devotes a complete section to motorsport, “Legend 7: Silver Arrows – Races and Records”. So it is fitting that over the 2018 summer holidays, sport and games plus plenty of creativity are the focus of the summer programme.
The events will take place from 21 to 31 August from Tuesday to Friday, and are designed as one-day events for children aged eight to twelve years. They always start at 9:30 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. The entry fee is ten euros per child. Lunch, drinks and healthy snacks are included in the price. Each day up to 30 children will be able to explore the Museum while enjoying sport, games and showing creativity. They should bring comfortable and robust clothing and trainers.
During their visit, the young holiday guests will take part in a rally through the Museum, with motorsport as the guiding theme. There will be action games in the outside area, and the kids will also be in action in an artistic project at the Museum’s Campus. This is where they will find out what happens when you run, jump, hop or even do a handstand with a paintbrush in your hand. For this creative programme the Mercedes-Benz Museum is working together with the in Unteres Remstal School of Art in Waiblingen.
Registrations can be made by email to classic@daimler.com and by telephone on +49 711 173 0000.