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ACEA: Interactive map: Correlation between electric car sales and available charging points (2020 update)

This interactive map visualises the correlation between the market uptake of electrically-chargeable vehicles (ECVs) and the availability of charging infrastructure for each of the 27 EU member states and the United Kingdom

This interactive map visualises the correlation between the market uptake of electrically-chargeable vehicles (ECVs) and the availability of charging infrastructure for each of the 27 EU member states and the United Kingdom.

Please click here to view the interactive map.

Key observations

  • Of the 199,825 charging points available in the European Union today, over 25% are located in the Netherlands (50,824), with another 20% in Germany (40,517), 15% in France (30,367) and 14% in the United Kingdom (28,538).
  • Together, these four countries account for more than 75% of all ECV charging points in the European Union.
  • By contrast, the same four countries only cover 27% of the EU’s total surface area.
  • On the other end of the spectrum, a vast country like Romania – roughly six times bigger than the Netherlands – only counts 344 charging points, or 0.2% of the EU total.


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