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Alliance comments on Colorado Air Quality Control Commission hearing on zero emission vehicle rule

Automakers are providing our customers with record-breaking choices in electric vehicle (EV) models

“Automakers are providing our customers with record-breaking choices in electric vehicle (EV) models. We want to sell these vehicles in large numbers, and to do that, a team approach is crucial. We produce the autos, and we need to work alongside dealers, utilities, providers of charging stations, environmental groups, finance companies, the state and others to put more EVs on the roadways. We commend Colorado for seeking to be innovative and exhibiting leadership by exploring an alternative approach to get more EVs on their roads. We look forward to working with the state and other stakeholders in the coming weeks.

“Colorado EV sales are higher than 46 other states because its policymakers understand that building a successful market requires more than just the vehicles, and more than just mandates. It requires consistent and comprehensive policies that support the market. Colorado has been on the forefront, and we sincerely appreciate the work done by the Polis Administration and the legislature to pull all the levers that can accelerate EV sales.

“For our part, automakers are investing tens of billions of dollars developing, producing, and promoting plug-in hybrid, battery, and fuel cell electric cars. Over 30 electric car models in all shapes and sizes are at the dealerships and on the roads in Colorado, and many more are coming soon. Simply put, no one has a bigger stake in seeing the electric car market succeed – and succeed in a big way!

“The Alliance recommends Colorado policymakers work with automakers and other stakeholders on an innovative alternative to Zero Emission Vehicle regulations that could bring electric cars to Colorado faster, provide Coloradans more choice in EVs, and ultimately accelerate the market in Colorado.

“We sincerely appreciate the Polis administration’s willingness to look beyond a mandate, with all its limitations, and to focus on alternatives that address the needs of consumers.”

SOURCE: Auto Alliance

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