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Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on May 29, 2020

The Board of Directors of TOTAL S.A. met on March 18, 2020 under the chairmanship of Mr. Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and decided to convene the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on May 29, 2020

The Board of Directors of TOTAL S.A. met on March 18, 2020 under the chairmanship of Mr. Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and decided to convene the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on May 29, 2020.

The legal notice of the meeting will be published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (Mandatory Legal Notice Bulletin) on March 25, 2020 and will be available on the Company’s website –

In the context of the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic and the efforts to prevent its spread, and in compliance with the statement made by the Autorité des marchés financiers (French Ffinancial markets authority) in its press release dated March 6, 2020, the Board of Directors invites its shareholders to vote by post or through the Internet, without physically attending the shareholders’ meeting. The conditions applying to physical attendance at the Shareholders’ Meeting may change, in accordance with sanitary and/or legal requirements. Consequently, shareholders are invited to regularly read the pages dedicated to the 2020 Shareholders’ Meeting on the Company’s website,

Upon the proposal of the Governance and Ethics Committee, the Board of Directors has decided to propose to the Shareholders’ Meeting to renew for a period of three years the terms as Directors of Patricia Barbizet, Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette and Mark Cutifani, whose existing terms expire following this 2020 Shareholders’ Meeting.

The Board of Directors also decided to propose to the Shareholders’ Meeting the appointment of Mr. Jérôme Contamine as Director, in particular for his knowledge of the energy sector and his expertise in finance.

The Board also thanks Carlos Tavares, who, given his responsibilities as head of the PSA Group engaged in a major merger, did not chose to request the renewal of his mandate as director, for the quality of his participation in the work of the Board of Directors and its Committees since May 26, 2017.

Subject to the renewal of her Director’s mandate by the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors is considering appointing Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette in the functions as Lead Independent Director at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting, replacing Patricia Barbizet, who has been Lead Independent Director since December 19, 2015.

In view of the need to adapt the bylaws of the company to the provisions of the French PACTE law of May 22, 2019, and in particular those regarding Directors representing employees (the threshold above which a second Director representing employees must be appointed lowered from twelve to eight), by which a second Director representing employees will be designated in the six months following the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors of TOTAL S.A. also decided to submit to the approval of the shareholders at the Shareholders’ Meeting the project to convert the Company into a European company (Societas Europaea or SE).

Please click here to view the full press release.


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