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Bridgestone: Senior management changes

Bridgestone Corporation today announced the following changes in Executive Officers and Corporate Officers. 1. New Members of Executive Officers (Effective January 1, 2018) Name New Former Paolo FERRARI Senior Vice President and Executive Officer of Bridgestone Corporation CEO and President, concurrently Chief Operating Officer of Bridgestone Europe NV/SA Chairman of Bridgestone Americas, Inc. Vice President … Continued

Bridgestone Corporation today announced the following changes in Executive Officers and Corporate Officers.

1. New Members of Executive Officers
(Effective January 1, 2018)

Name New Former
Senior Vice President and Executive Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
CEO and President, concurrently Chief
Operating Officer of Bridgestone Europe NV/SA
Chairman of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.
Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
CEO and President, concurrently Chief
Operating Officer of Bridgestone Europe NV/SA
Senior Vice President and Executive Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
Member of the Board, CEO and President of
Bridgestone Americas, Inc.
Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
Member of the Board, CEO and President of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.

2. Changing Positions and Responsibilities of Corporate Officers
(Effective January 1, 2018)

Name New Former
Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
President, US & Canada Consumer Tire Sales Division of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.
Chairman of Bridgestone Europe NV/SA
Vice President and Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
President, US & Canada Consumer Tire Sales Division of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.
Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
Member of the Board, CEO and Chief Operating Officer of Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
Member of the Board, Chief Operating
Officer of Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Vice President and Officer
Seconded to Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Chairman of Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Chairman of Bridgestone (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
Vice President and Officer
Seconded to Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Deputy Chairman of Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Deputy Chairman of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.
Chairman of Bridgestone (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

3. Retiring Members of Executive Officers
(Effective January 1, 2018)

Name New Former
Vice President and Senior Advisor to the CEO of Bridgestone Europe NV/SA Executive Vice President and Executive Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
Chairman of Bridgestone Europe NV/SA
Chairman of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.
Vice President and Senior Advisor to the CEO of Bridgestone Europe NV/SA Senior Vice President and Executive Officer of Bridgestone Corporation
Chairman and CEO of Bridgestone Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

* Eduardo Minardi and Franco Annunziato are retiring from the positions of Executive Officer on December 31, 2017.

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