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Chery’s Overseas Performance in 2015

In 2015 which is drawing to an end, Chery kept enhancing its brand power and product power, topped the list of Chinese vehicle exporters for the 13th consecutive year, maintained the steady growth of vehicle export and secured the lead in China’s vehicle export. On the occasion of the advent of 2016, let’s review Chery’s … Continued

In 2015 which is drawing to an end, Chery kept enhancing its brand power and product power, topped the list of Chinese vehicle exporters for the 13th consecutive year, maintained the steady growth of vehicle export and secured the lead in China’s vehicle export. On the occasion of the advent of 2016, let’s review Chery’s overseas performance in 2015 for an intuitive knowledge of its development in overseas markets.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to four South American countries in May drew worldwide attention. During the visit, he paid close attention to Chery’s development in South America, visited Chery’s booth during the China Equipment Manufacturing Exhibition, inquired about Chery’s development in South America, and witnessed the signing of the agreement on Chery Brazil Industrial Park.

During Li’s goodwill visit to Colombia, CCTV followed Chery’s development in Colombia, drawing wide attention from all walks of life. Chery entered the Colombian market in 2010. Through five years of development, Chery’s sales have increased eightfold. Notably, with Chery’s strategic transformation and the improvement of its overall product quality, Tiggo represented by Tiggo 5 and Tiggo 3 has been widely acclaimed in Colombia, and has been in direct confrontation with SUV models of international auto brands from countries and regions such as Korea and Europe. Supported by local consumers, Chery has secured its lead over other local Chinese auto brands.

During his visit to Chile, Li attended the Economic & Trade Seminar Marking the 45th Anniversary of Establishment of Sino-Chilean Diplomatic Ties & the 7th Meeting of China-Chile Business Council in Santiago, capital of Chile along with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet. As the largest Chinese auto brand in the Chilean passenger vehicle market, Chery attended the meeting at the invitation.

Through nearly 10 years of development, Chery has become Chery’s major overseas strategic market. Li’s care for and recognition of Chery during his visit to South America undoubtedly injected strong confidence in Chery’s future development on this land.

Chery grew abroad with honors and achievements in 2015. Successive international and regional awards boosted Chery’s brand image in the international market.

In terms of work innovation, by virtue of its creative video,“the Experiencia Chery”, Chery won the Brand Experience& Engagement Gold Prize, the best of all Effie Awards. it is the sole authoritarian ads award all over the world that deems ads effect as the main evaluation basis, Effie Awards is also known as Marketing Oscar in the ads community. it is have come to 15 countries in the world. Evaluation process of Effie Awards is very strict and fair,the whole evaluation is made on the basis of the ads originality and effect of the candidates. Thanks to the unique originality shown in the creative video Experiencia Chery and its wonderful effect, Chery won the Gold Prize in Brand Experience& Engagement, which has the richest content in Effie Awards, after beating the powerful competitors such as the world-famous brand Coco-Cola, the large supermarket brand Mall Plaza in South America and Movistar, one of the largest telecom operators in Latin America. This award fully shows Chery’s improvement in innovation and local media and consumers’ high recognition of Chery.

In word-of-mouth marketing, Chery stood out of numerous Chinese models by its good reputation accumulated in Russia over the past decade, to be honored as the “Most Popular Chinese Auto Brand” by renowned Russian auto magazine–Autopanorama.

Chery’s Culture Journey in Iran was popular with local consumers, establishing a good reputation for Chery’s brand and products. In August 2015, the Mashhad Motor Show, the largest of its kind in Iran, brought together over 300 models of nearly 40 brands from around the world. By virtue of unique booth creativity and colorful booth activities, Chery MVM grabbed two awards: “Best Booth Design” and “Best Activity”.

At the 3rd China Enterprise Overseas Image Summit which concluded in September, Chery outperformed numerous Chinese enterprises to be ranked third among “2015 China Top 20 Enterprises in Overseas Image” as the highest-ranking equipment manufacturer and automaker, ahead of Internet and home appliance giants such as Alibaba, Baidu, Xiaomi and Haier.The result was based on a multi-dimension survey to nearly 1,500 respondents in 12 countries along the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”. This further proved Chery’s good reputation in the international market.

A collection of honors are the results of Chery’s efforts to step up globalization. To continue enhancing Chery’s comprehensive overseas competitiveness and establish its favorable brand image among consumers, Chery initiated brand image upgrading in 2015.

Chery has completed the upgrading and renovation of dealers’ stores through one year of unremitting efforts, with its brand image enhanced significantly. In 2015, Tiggo 5 soared in overseas markets, winning over hosts of loyal consumers by trendy appearance and rich configuration. Take Iran for example, through terminal image improvement and the launch of Tiggo 5 in Iran, the attention to Chery has been enhanced significantly in Iran to make Tiggo 5 another star model in Iran after Tiggo 3.

From a cottage to a Chinese leading automaker, from bringing the first vehicle off the line to achieving a cumulative passenger vehicle output of over 5,000,000 units, from consolidating the Chinese market to aiming for the world, Chery is fulfilling the global auto dream of Chinese people by action. In 2015, we saw down-to-earth Chery playing an increasingly important role in the international market with innovative spirit and responsible attitude. In 2016, Chery will further implement its brand strategy in overseas markets and work to become a competitive global auto brand, let’s wait and see.

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