This year saw CIE Automotive gain its best score in the seven editions of the Reporta report. With 74.1 points, the company’s annual report went up to the 17th position in the ranking, thanks to its ongoing efforts to present its stakeholders with a quality document. This effort to improve enabled the company to climb 25 places – the third-largest climb – with a 12.2-point improvement. Among companies not belonging to the Ibex-35, it is in second place. It came fifth in the raw materials, industry and construction sector.
The improvements noted in the last annual report were primarily in the area of transparency, specifically in matters relating to corporate governance, and the company’s relations with its stakeholders and the environment. Also worth noting is the accessibility category, where CIE Automotive earned the highest possible score, thanks to the overhaul of its corporate website, proper structuring and presentation of content in the annual report and the appointment of different people responsible, who can be approached by readers of the report to find out more about the topics outlined in the document.
Reporta is an analysis report of the quality of the information supplied by the companies in the IGBM, the Madrid stock market general index, to their shareholders and stakeholders on the occasion of the annual general meeting of shareholders. It was set up in 2010 by Deva, the financial communication agency headed by Gonzalo Lacalle.
In general terms, the public information about the 113 firms in the IGBM has got worse this year in comparison with 2015. The decline in the scores for the reports assessed runs across all subgroups: the best scores are lower, all sectors and indices (IGBM, IBEX35 and ex-IBEX35) have lower average ratings and the lowest scorers drag the average down even more than in previous years.
However, CIE Automotive bucks this trend and stands among the top companies, climbing from 42nd to 17th place, with a score (74.1) well above the average for IGBM firms – which is 45.5 points – and exceeding the average for the IBEX 35, which is 68.2 points.