At the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show Asia (CES Asia), technology company Continental launched the Internet platform for China. is an independent online platform designed to encourage people to share information relating to automated driving in China. The platform unveiled in Shanghai has been conceived to keep users abreast of the latest news and insights in the global automated driving industry and initiate discussions concerning relevant topics. The content for China is closely interlinked with the global platform, which was launched in January 2016 at the International Auto Show in Detroit. The global platform has also been overhauled and is now online, featuring a new design with even more functions for interaction and discussion relating to automated driving, at
“Our view is that the rapid and widespread success of automated driving depends on its acceptance by potential buyers, drivers and the public,” explained Continental’s Corporate Technology Officer Kurt Lehmann at the launch of “Automated driving will bring many benefits to society. If there is going to be a discussion on this new form of mobility, this is the best prerequisite for enabling automated driving to make mobility safer, more efficient and more comfortable for us all.”
2025AD offers people the opportunity to share their opinions, concerns and expectations with regard to all the issues surrounding automated driving. By addressing such contributions early on, researchers and developers have the opportunity to devise appropriate solutions. Continental launched in 2016 to engage stakeholders all over the world. “This specific, neutral and public online platform already reaches more than 10,000 consumers, experts and industry and government representatives every month,” commented Lehmann in Shanghai.
“The Chinese automotive and technology industries have been strongly focused on developing automated driving technology in recent years. Automated driving has become a popular topic of discussion amongst industry insiders and the public. China, as the world’s largest automotive market, is playing an increasingly important role in the development of driving. That’s why Continental is now launching the Chinese version of 2025AD – – as a long-term initiative inviting stakeholders in China to join a global public discussion on this dynamic area,” said President & CEO of Continental in China, Enno Tang.
Delivering content that will be of interest to stakeholders in China, will be dedicated to all social, commercial, technological and legal aspects of automated driving. The website will foster a transparent environment where users will be able to share their opinions on automated driving and engage in meaningful discussions on the topics that are of interest to them. They can also access the platform through WeChat, Weibo, QQ Zone and other major social media platforms in China.
The name 2025AD combines the abbreviation for automated driving, AD, and 2025, the year widely anticipated to be the year that fully automated driving on public roads becomes a reality.
“ is intended to provide a space for lively and productive public discussions. We are inviting all interested parties to share their views and engage in in-depth discussions on so that we can work together to shape the future development of automated driving,” added Enno Tang.