The technology company and premium tire manufacturer Continental is reorganizing the top management of its Tire Division: As of yesterday Christian Koetz (48) leads the business unit Commercial Vehicle Tires and reports in this function to Nikolai Setzer, Member of the Executive Board of Continental and Head of the Tire Division. Koetz’ former position as Head of the business unit Passenger and Light Truck Replacement Tires EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) is taken over by Philipp von Hirschheydt (43), whose former position as Head of Passenger and Light Truck Replacement Tires APAC (Asia Pacific Region) is filled with Ferdinand Hoyos (41). Von Hirschheydt and Hoyos will report directly to Nikolai Setzer as well. Koetz is the successor of Dr. Andreas Esser (59) who is taking over the lead of the business region Asia Pacific Truck Tire at Continental Commercial Vehicle Tires in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. He will report to Christian Koetz.
Christian Kötz, Head of Commercial Vehicle Tires, Philipp von Hirschheydt, Head of Passenger and Light Truck Replacement Tires EMEA, Ferdinand Hoyos, Head of Passenger and Light Truck Replacement Tires APAC (f.l.t.r.)
Nikolai Setzer, Member of the Executive Board of Continental and Head of Tire Division
Nikolai Setzer, Member of the Executive Board of Continental and Head of the Tire Division, explains the background of these changes: “The goal of these personnel changes is to make use of the extensive, international and functional expertise these individuals have gained in their long careers and strengthen thereby our global team in order to even better satisfy the needs of customers in terms of excellence and speed. This is an important element of our long-term growth strategy ’Vision 2025’.”
Christian Koetz was leading the business unit Passenger and Light Truck Replacement Tires EMEA since June 2011. In addition, he was President of the European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association (ETRMA) from January 2015 to December 2017. From 2006 to 2011 Koetz worked as Senior Vice President in the central Research and Development department of Continental in Hanover, Germany. Before, he held several functions in Original Equipment departments for Passenger and Light Truck Tires in North America and Hanover.
Philipp von Hirschheydt was Head of Passenger and Light Truck Replacement Tires APAC since April 2015. Before that he worked from June 2012 to March 2015 as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Continental Tire Andina in Ecuador. From 2009 to 2012 he held several positions within the business unit Fuel Supply (today: business unit Fuel & Exhaust Management) in Dortmund, Germany. Previously, von Hirschheydt was Project Manager within Continental’s Mergers & Acquisitions department in Hanover.
Ferdinand Hoyos was CEO of the Andina region (Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Ecuador) from February 2015 to end of June 2018. Before that he was Head of Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Real Estate Management in Hanover. From 2006 to 2011 Hoyos was Manager of Mergers & Acquisitions at Continental. Previously, he worked as a consultant in the field of strategy and corporate finance.