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Daihatsu: Announcement from MLIT regarding verification results of our company’s conformity with the standards of the Road Transport Vehicle Act related to procedural irregularities

Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. would like to again convey its sincerest apologies for betraying the trust of its customers and all other stakeholders and the great inconvenience it has caused by the procedural irregularities in certification processes

Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. would like to again convey its sincerest apologies for betraying the trust of its customers and all other stakeholders and the great inconvenience it has caused by the procedural irregularities in certification processes.

Today, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) announced that it has lifted its instruction to suspend shipments of five models, the Toyota PROBOX, Mazda FAMILIA VAN, Daihatsu GRAN MAX CARGO, Toyota TOWN ACE VAN, and Mazda BONGO VAN, as it has been confirmed that the vehicles comply with the standards of the Road Transport Vehicle Act.

Going forward, we will take any necessary measures, such as performing testing with the certification authorities in attendance, in accordance with indications from the MLIT, while carefully confirming that our customers can trust our vehicles to support their daily lives as a company.

When resuming shipments and production, we will communicate closely with sales companies and related suppliers and make preparations to avoid confusion.

SOURCE: Daihatsu

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