To facilitate real-time access for everyone to internal information and news about the Groupe , Groupe PSA has launched the Live ‘in PSA app, accessible via smartphone. 8,300 people have already installed the app, via Google Play Store or Apple Store.
Groupe PSA has made digital technology a central component of its Push to Passstrategy, as a driver for its transformation and overall performance. The shift to digital is allowing the company to offer innovative remote working solutions, modern workspaces, an in-house social network and, in broader terms, more agile, cross-cutting and collaborative working methods.
The Groupe is investing and innovating in everyone’s best interest. New working methods are also beneficial for our customers, because they promote agility and cross-functional cooperation, not to mention fast and fluid communication.
Xavier Chéreau, Executive VP, Human Resources said: “The new app is a great illustration of our approach to digital. We are on the move in our digital transformation, which is central to the Groupe’s newsflow, for its customers and employees alike. By combining digital technologies, dynamic new spaces and new ways of working such as remote work, we are modernizing our company and in that way helping it rise to its business challenges.”