Elektrobit’s state-of-art product line, EB corbos, is being used within the European Processor Initiative (EPI), a project currently implemented under the first stage of the Framework Partnership Agreement signed by the Consortium with the European Commission (FPA: 800928), whose aim is to design and implement a roadmap for a new collection of low-power European processors for extreme scale computing, high-performance big data, and a range of emerging applications. The goal of this project is to deliver a high-performance, low-power processor, implementing vector instructions and specific accelerators with high bandwidth memory access, meeting high security and safety requirements.
EB will provide significant parts of the automotive software stack which is targeting the embedded automotive platform utilizing a dedicated embedded variant of the EPI chip being developed within the project’s automotive stream. EB’s contribution will include the following products:
EPI’s goal is to follow a co-design approach through a partnership between Europe’s IT/semiconductor industry and computer science research community. The consortium covers the complete range of expertise, skills, and competencies needed to design and execute a sustainable roadmap for research and innovation in HPC and emerging applications, including big data which will bring results right to market. Another goal of EPI is to assure domain-specific requirements e.g. with respect to performance, reliability, and functional safety are covered.
In 2021, EPI is expecting lo launch the Rhea Family – Gen1 GPP platform followed by a platform for HPC and AI. To learn more about the EPI roadmap and the way ahead please visit https://www.european-processor-initiative.eu/
SOURCE: Elektrobit