“Normally, my sons Benjamin and Patrick take care of the fleet, but I couldn’t miss out on this vehicle handover”, Petra Schmid recounts, adding with a smile: “The fact that the first in the new model year will be operating in our fleet is, of course, very special for us.” The MAN TGX 18.500 with 500 hp and a low-emission D26 Euro 6 engine of the latest generation will be used on tours in Bavaria and Austria to transport fresh foodstuffs and frozen goods from the haulier’s central warehouse at the Munich central market.
“While valuing the economical use of our vehicles, safety remains the most important factor for us”, Schmid explains. This is why the new TGX not only has the conventional systems like ESP, ASR and ABS, but also MAN Atten-tionGuard, the safety package Licht & Sicht plus, Adaptive Cruise Control ACC, Lane Guard System 4 (LGS 4) and Emergency Brake Assist 2 (EBA 2) – the latter in the latest version that can no longer be switched off by pressing a button, thus providing an additional increase in safety.
The driver’s satisfaction with MAN’s vehicles also plays a very important role, Schmid continues. To ensure this too is fully taken care of, the TGX has a wide range of comfort features to offer. Like for instance the auto-mated manually operated gearbox MAN TipMatic with MAN EasyStart moving-off aid with the new more user-friendly operating switch, the GPS-supported cruise control system MAN EfficientCruise 2, air-conditioning system, cold insulation NORDIC, comfortable seating with all features, new reading and ambient lighting or even the MAN sound system MAN Media Truck Advanced with digital radio reception, navigation and hands-free function. Furthermore, drivers will be able to store their provisions in the coolbox that can now be fully retracted underneath the bed, whilst enjoying all the additional comforts of the new interior that was introduced in October 2017 for the TG series.
The decision to buy the MAN TGX was due to the fact that besides the lat-est technology and the trendsetting safety systems, the service was also first class. “The workshop at the MAN branch in Gräfelfing-Lochham is ide-ally located for us and distinguishes itself with its high degree of flexibility”, Schmid explains. “Furthermore, I appreciate the personal nature of the cus-tomer contact. Our salesman Michael Maier, who previously gave me a wonderful “room tour” of the cab and explained the various new features to me, is a very approachable contact for us”, the manager highlights.
At the vehicle handover, MAN Truck & Bus Deutschland sales director Christoph Huber together with sales adviser Michael Maier and sales man-ager Christian Götz handed the haulier the symbolic key for the “Number 1”.