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Gestamp appoints Marieta del Rivero as new Independent Director

The Gestamp Board of Directors appointed Marieta del Rivero as new Independent Director of the Company

The Gestamp Board of Directors appointed Marieta del Rivero as new Independent Director of the Company. The appointment has become effective today when she has formally accepted the position.

The addition of the new director increases the number of independent Board members from five to six, representing 50% of the total, which is above the recommended threshold determined by Good Governance Code of Listed Companies, published by the Spanish regulator, Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV). This appointment is also as a step towards gender diversity in the composition of the Board, which now includes two women, Marieta del Rivero and Ana García Fau.

Marieta del Rivero has 25-years of broad experience in Technology, Mobility, Consumer and Digital Industries. She served at Telefonica as Global Marketing Director, at Nokia as CEO of the Iberia business, at Amena as Marketing Director and at Ericsson as Senior Advisor.

Del Rivero is currently Independent Director at Cellnex Telecom, Partner at Seeliger & Conde, and member of the Advisory Board of the Mutual Society of Lawyers and of Made in Mobile. She is also member of the Board of the Spanish Director Association (AED) and Vice president of International Women’s Forum.

Del Rivero holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from Autonoma University, Madrid, as well as an AMP from IESE, and an Executive Program from Singularity University, California.

SOURCE: Gestamp

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