Representing vehicle and engine manufacturers from around the world, the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) and the Worldwide Fuel Charter (WWFC) Committee are pleased to present the sixth edition of the Worldwide Fuel Charter for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel as well as the first edition of the new Charter on Methane-based Transportation Fuels.
The WWFC was first established in 1998 to increase understanding of the fuel quality needs of motor vehicle and engine technologies, and to promote worldwide fuel quality harmonisation in accordance with those needs. Vehicles and engines work with fuels as a system, so matching fuel quality to vehicle and engine technology will provide the best vehicle and engine performance and minimise emissions and fuel consumption for the various categories of technologies. Matching fuel quality to vehicle/engine capabilities also provides a path to fuel quality harmonisation worldwide and to improved functioning of transportation markets.
The sixth edition of the WWFC that is published today updates the previous edition in several ways and now presents gasoline and diesel in their own chapters for easier reading.
The use of methane-based fuels for transportation has grown rapidly in recent years, and the quality of these fuels varies widely around the world. As a result, the WWFC Committee saw a need to provide information about these fuels and how to match their quality with the needs and capabilities of modern vehicle and engine technologies.
This Methane-based Transportation Fuels Charter represents the WWFC Committee’s best collective judgment based on experience with these fuels. Technical information and field data will continue to evolve, however, so we will strive to update this document periodically as we learn more.
The Committee appreciates the many comments submitted on the consultation versions of these two new Charters. We look forward to working with all stakeholders to support harmonised fuel quality specifications for the continued benefit of consumers and the environment around the world.