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HARMAN creates Experiences Per Mile Advisory Council

As consumers continue to explore new ways to connect to their world, both in and outside their vehicles, it’s no surprise that the way consumers measure a car’s worth is moving away from dynamic performance

As consumers continue to explore new ways to connect to their world, both in and outside their vehicles, it’s no surprise that the way consumers measure a car’s worth is moving away from dynamic performance. Even today, many buyers pay more attention to how many new connected experiences are possible with the technology available in their new car, rather than the engine’s horsepower, cornering abilities, or even the brand name. As the shift from RPM to EPM continues to grow, the automotive industry must find new ways to adapt to this change, or risk being left behind. The most innovative companies, able to provide the most exhilarating experiences, will benefit by winning the hearts and wallets of the next generation of consumers moving about in the transportation ecosystem.

HARMAN is joining forces with SBD Automotive to create the Experiences Per Mile Advisory Council, both of which will host the first meeting. Designed to encourage collaboration among an exclusive group of automotive and technology executives, analysts and industry insiders, the council aims to solve the complex issues facing the industry both today and tomorrow. The group will also form industry-wide processes on the value of in-vehicle consumer experiences, for key stakeholders such as OEMs, shared mobility companies, application providers and more.

Activity will center on private meetings, which will take place every six months for two years. These meetings will include interactive roundtable discussions to encourage an open dialogue about what could be achieved and accomplished by creating such a program.

Thought leadership will be the number one goal for this program—not sales—and each participant will walk away with a better understanding of where the automotive industry is heading and how to capitalize on this paradigm shift. For instance, some of the topics to be discussed in the first meeting include:

Measuring “Experiences Per Mile” so that consumers understand the value provided by each form of transportation or mobility experience;

  • Impacting of the in-vehicle experience through intelligent technology;
  • How various players in the automotive ecosystem will be impacted by EPM; and
  • Improving driver safety and security through more automation in the vehicle itself.

The Experiences Per Mile Advisory Council is a “invitation only” event which includes members from the most innovative companies in the connected automotive ecosystem. Qualified participants were selected from OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, third-party suppliers and more. Other relevant “connected companies” will be included such as shared mobility providers, technology organizations, application providers and even financial services. Regardless of who participates, everyone involved will play a special role in writing the next chapter in automotive history.


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