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Höegh Jeddah – new car carrier delivered

On 4 September, 2014 Höegh Autoliners took delivery of the latest addition to the Company’s fleet. The new vessel was named Höegh Jeddah in a naming ceremony taking place on August 27 in Mangalia, Romania. Höegh Jeddah is the second in a series of two being delivered to Höegh Autoliners from Daewoo-Mangalia Heavy Industries this … Continued

On 4 September, 2014 Höegh Autoliners took delivery of the latest addition to the Company’s fleet. The new vessel was named Höegh Jeddah in a naming ceremony taking place on August 27 in Mangalia, Romania.

Hoegh-Autoliners-JeddahHöegh Jeddah is the second in a series of two being delivered to Höegh Autoliners from Daewoo-Mangalia Heavy Industries this year. The vessels have a 6 500 car carrying capacity and are built with the latest technology to ensure the highest safety and energy efficiency.

The Prime Minister of Romania, Mr Victor Ponta together with the Minister of Transport, Mr.Ioan Rus, the Minister of Economy, Mr.Constantin Nita and an entourage of State Secretaries honoured the new built vessel with their attendance at a special inauguration ceremony held the week before delivery at the yard. Being built by Daewoo-Mangalia Heavy Industries, a joint venture company between Korean Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co., Ltd (DSME) and the Romanian state for Norwegian shipowners and operators, Höegh Jeddah is a true proof of high quality craftsmanship in a global economy.

Ingar Skiaker, CEO says:  “Both Höegh Jeddah and her sister Höegh Jacksonville are part of our fleet renewal program, replacing older vessels that are being phased out.  The new vessels add flexibility and efficiency to our trades and improve the service offerings to our customers.”

Höegh Jeddah will be operated by Höegh Autoliners through a long term bareboat charter from the vessels’ owners; Ocean Yield AS.

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