The Human Resources Board of Management function at Volkswagen has completed its new leadership team lineup, thus rounding off the structural change initiated at the beginning of 2020. Under the new arrangements, Human Resources is aligning its processes, workflows and responsibilities to future HR work.
Gunnar Kilian, Volkswagen Group Board Member for Human Resources, commented: “E-mobility, connectivity and digitalisation will have a lasting effect on the world of work. More than ever, teamwork, an open error culture, a keenness to discuss and take decisions, a high level of integrity and compliance are crucial factors. HR is shaping and driving the change, supporting the technical departments as they make the transformation, and taking the workforce on board. We have realigned the structure at HR in order to perform these tasks effectively.”
This realignment goes hand-in-hand with personnel changes. Arne Meiswinkel, Head of HR Policy and Steering, has been appointed General Representative of Volkswagen AG effective March 1, 2020. Meiswinkel assumes responsibility for HR policy and HR compliance for all of
Volkswagen AG and the Group. He will also take on the role of Volkswagen AG’s chief collective bargaining negotiator, thus assuming responsibility for the Group units as well as the three brands within Volkswagen AG: Volkswagen Passenger Cars, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles and Volkswagen Components. Meiswinkel reports direct to the Volkswagen Group Board of Management Member for Human Resources, Gunnar Kilian.
The Human Resources Board Members within Volkswagen AG will also report to Kilian: Thomas Edig, Board Member for Human Resources at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Wolfgang Fueter, Board Member for Human Resources at Volkswagen Group Components, and with effect from March 1, 2020, Wilfried von Rath, in his role as Board Member for Human Resources at Volkswagen Passenger Cars. Rath is currently Board Member for Human Resources at MAN Energy Solutions SE. Martin Rosik, currently Head of Human Resources at the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, will take over this function. In their capacity as HR Board Members for the Volkswagen AG brands, Rath, Edig and Fueter will each be responsible for operational HR work, and will partner management and the organisational units in the concrete implementation of the transformation.
Other structural measures include the centralisation of recruiting & talent management, and direct links between the Diversity, Central HR Services and HR Digitalisation units and the Group Human Resources Board of Management function. This will ensure effective support for the offensive positioning of Volkswagen as a digital employer, as well as fostering diversity, the recruitment and retention of female talent, and the swift digitalisation of HR work. The Heads of Recruiting & Talent Marketing, Andrea Morgan-Schönwetter, and Diversity, Elke Heitmüller, as well as Michael Ritter, Head of Central HR Services & HR Digitalisation, also report direct to Kilian.
Information on the HR appointments:
Arne Meiswinkel, General Representative of Volkswagen AG and Head of HR Policy & HR Compliance:
Meiswinkel (51) holds a degree in business administration and has been with the Volkswagen Group for 18 years. He began his career at Arbeitgeberverband Stahl in 1995. Following a position in the mechanical engineering sector, he moved to a management post in labor relations at Volkswagen in Wolfsburg in 2002. He held roles in the Group Human Resources and Organisation function and was subsequently named Head of HR at the Brunswick plant and appointed Managing Director Human Resources at Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH. Meiswinkel became Head of HR Policy and Industrial Relations at the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand in 2012, and has led HR Policy and Standards since 2016, thus holding responsibility for HR policy & HR compliance for all of Volkswagen AG and the Group.
Wilfried von Rath, new Board Member for Human Resources, Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand: Von Rath (55) is a psychology graduate and also holds an MBA. He has been with the Volkswagen Group for 21 years, holding various functions. In 1998, he moved from his position as Senior Consultant Human Resources at Lufthansa Consulting to join the Volkswagen Group, initially as Head of Management Training, becoming a Member of the Management Board of what was then Volkswagen Coaching GmbH in 2002. In 2006, Rath became Head of Group HR Top Management. He was appointed Board Member Human Resources at Volkswagen Slovakia in 2011. He has been the Member of the Executive Board of MAN Energy Solutions SE responsible for Human Resources since October 2013.
Martin Rosik, new Board Member for Human Resources, MAN Energy Solutions SE:
Rosik (58) holds a degree in economics and has been with the Volkswagen Group for 17 years, holding various functions. As an HR manager, he also has extensive experience in various sectors of industry highly relevant to the business of MAN Energy Solutions SE — from the foundry industry, plant engineering and the construction industry through to the service sector. Rosik began his career as a personal assistant at what was then Thyssen Guss AG in 1988. Following various management roles in the ThyssenKrupp Group and at Hochtief AG, he was appointed Head of Human Resources at the Audi plant in Neckarsulm in 2003. He was named Head of Human Resources at Volkswagen Deutschland in early 2011, and appointed to lead global human resources, including the Group units, at the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand in July 2011. The Supervisory Board named him General Representative of Volkswagen AG in 2015.
SOURCE: Volkswagen