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Human resources planning and development: a key driver of Groupe PSA’s performance

In an unsettled environment, Groupe PSA’s performance is its best protection. It must ensure its sustainability and that of its employees’ jobs, relying on operational excellence, performance and agility. The momentum generated working alongside the unions is one of the keys to achieving this goal. The determination to build the future together led to the … Continued

In an unsettled environment, Groupe PSA’s performance is its best protection. It must ensure its sustainability and that of its employees’ jobs, relying on operational excellence, performance and agility.

The momentum generated working alongside the unions is one of the keys to achieving this goal. The determination to build the future together led to the signing of the three-year New Momentum for Growth performance agreement in July 2016 with five of France’s six trade unions, representing 80% of employees.

Under this agreement, the Group’s responsible employment policy serves to secure the professional future of its employees by developing their skills. The aim is to anticipate major changes and strengthen people’s employability at each stage of their working lives.

To this end, the Group has established a human resources organisation based on 20 job families and 102 professions that are helping to create internal mobility opportunities. More than 6,000 internal transfers and 1,400 internal retraining courses were completed in 2017.

The Group’s employment policy is also supported by the Skills and Capabilities Observatory, whose purpose is to provide a forward-looking vision of the Group’s needs in terms of human resources and key skills. The unions and the key profession experts are actively contributing to the Observatory.

Moreover, the New Momentum for Growth (NEC) agreement provides for the application of a Jobs and Skills Alignment System (DAEC) from 2017 to 2019.

On 9 January 2018, the Group’s management and the unions will meet to discuss the 2018 DAEC plan, which will be in line with the measures already implemented in 2017:

– Internal mobility and support

– Internal retraining courses

– Hiring on permanent contracts

– Secure external measures system (voluntary departures, external retraining projects)

– Hiring of young people on work-study contracts as part of the PSA intergenerational contract, with a view to renewing the workforce and maintaining the level of excellence of our skills and jobs.

These measures are designed to take into account the latest regulatory changes and labour laws in force.

Ahead of the meeting, Xavier Chéreau, Groupe PSA Executive Vice President, Human Resources, said: “The process of working alongside the trade unions is a key driver of the Group’s transformation and performance. We have to work together to build the Group’s future, constantly thinking ahead to protect the company and its employees. Over the last few years, our responsible employment policy, based on internal mobility, unlocking talent and securing external pathways, has helped improve our competitiveness and boost our performance. It is vital that we continue the actions already undertaken in support of our Push to Pass strategic plan for profitable growth.”

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