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LADA – sales growth by 64% in the foreign markets

LADA cars were sold in foreign markets in H1 2018 that is by 64% more vs the results for the same period in 2017.

LADA cars were sold in foreign markets in H1 2018 that is by 64% more vs the results for the same period in 2017.

It was sold 3508 cars of the Brand outside of Russia in June that is by 34% more vs June 2017, and is the best result of the month for the last 3 years.

Belarus and Kazakhstan are the countries with the best sales results of LADA within six months.

5 854 LADA cars were sold in Kazakhstan in H1 2018. The Russian Brand is the market leader that increased its share from 17.8% to 22.4% in the first 6 months of 2018 vs the same period in 2017. LADA occupies the first position in Kazakhstan not only by sales, but also in terms of production: the Republic has organized the assembly of cars of the entire model range.

4 206 LADA cars were sold in H1 2018 in Belarus and as the result, the Brand took the 2nd position in the market of the Republic with a share of 18.4%. The growth was by 9.4 % points vs the same period of 2017.

LADA sales have significantly grpwth in other CIS countries – on the average by twice vs H1 2017. At the same time sales amounted to 785 cars in Uzbekistan that is 3 by times more vs the result of H1 last year.

LADA added 3 new markets to its export geography in H1 2018: Brand sales started in Cuba, Chile and Tunisia. Currently LADA cars are exported to more than 30 countries. The most popular are the families of LADA 4×4 and LADA Vesta, each of which has on the average 30% of LADA export.

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