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Mitsubishi Motors announces production, sales and export figures for July 2024

Mitsubishi Motors announces production, sales and export figures for July 2024

  July 2024 Fiscal Year 2024
Calendar Year 2024
YoY(%) Volume
YoY(%) Volume
Production Domestic Production 45,442 105.6 155,476 102.4 285,068 100.9
Overseas Production 41,228 91.7 136,231 82.8 269,357 87.0
Total 86,670 98.5 291,707 92.2 554,425 93.6
Registrations Total 3,943 112.1 12,365 86.2 24,407 85.7
Minicars Total 5,703 127.5 19,891 135.0 43,061 149.2
Total 9,646 120.7 32,256 111.0 67,468 117.7
ExportsTotal 20,674 108.6 78,475 107.7 133,524 101.1

* Includes imports to Japan

[ Summary : July 2024 ]

< Domestic Production >
July 2024 ・・・・・ First monthly year-on-year increase in 2 months since May, 2024
( 105.6% year-on-year )

< Overseas Production >
July 2024 ・・・・・ Fifth consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since February, 2024
( 91.7% year-on-year )

< Total Production >
July 2024 ・・・・・ Fifth consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since February, 2024
( 98.5% year-on-year )

< Domestic Sales >
July 2024 ・・・・・ First monthly year-on-year increase in 2 months since May, 2024
( 120.7% year-on-year )

< Exports >
July 2024 ・・・・・ First consecutive monthly year-on-year increase since June, 2024
( 108.6% year-on-year )

Supplemental Information

< Overseas Production >
Asia 39,938 units : 90.5% year-on-year
Thailand 21,230 units : 88.9% year-on-year
Indonesia 12,149 units : 85.3% year-on-year

< Exports >
Asia 90 units : 24.5% year-on-year
North America 10,853 units : 104.4% year-on-year
Europe 29 units : 3.4% year-on-year

SOURCE: Mitsubishi Motors

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