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Mitsubishi Motors announces production, sales and export figures for May 2024

Mitsubishi Motors announces production, sales and export figures for May 2024

May 2024 Fiscal Year 2024
Calendar Year 2024
YoY(%) Volume
YoY(%) Volume
Production Domestic Production 37,422 118.7 71,517 109.2 201,109 102.5
Overseas Production 36,505 82.3 67,078 89.6 199,804 90.8
Total 73,927 97.4 138,595 98.8 400,913 96.3
Sales *
Registrations Total 2,698 91.4 5,337 78.8 17,379 83.1
Minicars Total 4,059 114.3 9,632 169.4 32,802 165.6
Total 6,757 103.9 14,969 120.1 50,181 123.2
ExportsTotal 17,304 94.8 36,147 104.8 91,196 97.4

* Includes imports to Japan

[ Summary : May 2024 ]

< Domestic Production >
May 2024 First consecutive monthly year-on-year increase since April, 2024
( 118.7% year-on-year )

< Overseas Production >
May 2024 First monthly year-on-year decrease in 2 months since March, 2024
( 82.3% year-on-year )

< Total Production >
May 2024 First monthly year-on-year decrease in 2 months since March, 2024
( 97.4% year-on-year )

< Domestic Sales >
May 2024 Ninth consecutive monthly year-on-year increase since August, 2023
( 103.9% year-on-year )

< Exports >
May 2024 First monthly year-on-year decrease in 2 months since March, 2024
( 94.8% year-on-year )

Supplemental Information

< Overseas Production >
Asia 36,217 units : 82.9% year-on-year
Thailand 17,467 units : 77.0% year-on-year
Indonesia 9,803 units : 67.9% year-on-year

< Exports >
Asia 318 units : 69.1% year-on-year
North America 11,515 units : 124.8% year-on-year
Europe0 units : 0.0% year-on-year

SOURCE: Mitsubishi Motors

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