To further contribute to the resolution of diversifying social issues, MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION (MMC) has revised its STEP Social Contribution Activities*1 policy in April 2020, and created a new logo with a tagline, “STEP to the future” to improve an awareness on these activities.
Based on its Vision & Mission, MMC has been promoting the STEP Social Contribution Activities*1 in four major fields of; 1. Support for the next generation, 2. Traffic safety, 3. Environment preservation, and 4. Participation in local communities. The company has also conducted global activities such as donating to the Children’s Forest Program that educates children around the world through tree planting and other related environmental activities as well as helping to build a new elementary school in the Philippines by utilizing Mitsubishi Motors STEP Funds*2.
MMC revised the policy to widen the scope of its social contribution activities while enhancing links with major markets and inheriting existing activities, thereby to further contribute to the resolution of global social issues, which have been diversifying in recent years, including natural disasters and social inequality. STEP stands for Society, Traffic Safety, Environment and People.
To assist more diverse needs of more people, regardless of their generation or where they live, the new STEP activities policy has been revised as indicated below replacing the field of Support for the next generation with People and the field of Participation in local communities with Society.
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SOURCE: Mitsubishi Motors