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New phase in social dialogue: Opel and Vauxhall employee representatives join the Global Group Works Council

During the 21-22 June meeting of its Global Works Council, Groupe PSA for the first time welcomed into this body representatives of the IG Metall, Unite, UGT, NSZZ Solidarność, PRO GE and Járműgyártók Szakszervezeti Bizottsága trade unions, which act on behalf of Opel and Vauxhall employees. Created in 1996, the European Group Works Council provides … Continued

During the 21-22 June meeting of its Global Works Council, Groupe PSA for the first time welcomed into this body representatives of the IG Metall, Unite, UGT, NSZZ Solidarność, PRO GE and Járműgyártók Szakszervezeti Bizottsága trade unions, which act on behalf of Opel and Vauxhall employees.

Created in 1996, the European Group Works Council provides management and employee representatives with a dedicated forum for dialogue and discussion. Its review of the Group’s strategy, performance and outlook enables Executive Management to hear employee concerns, expectations and suggestions, as well as to initiate the necessary discussions when a major cross-functional project is in the works.

Now expanded into a Global Works Council, the body brings together 16 countries (European states1 plus Brazil, Argentina, Russia and China) through their elected representatives and meets once a year. The June meeting provided an opportunity to review progress on the strategic plan, discuss new Group developments and share the human resources policy that is being consistently rolled out worldwide through the Global Framework Agreement 2.

Speaking at the meeting, Xavier Chéreau, Executive Vice President, Human Resources, Digital and Real Estate, said: “I am delighted to welcome representatives of Opel and Vauxhall and of our new host countries into this forum. The Global Council is of fundamental importance for Groupe PSA. Our model of social dialogue based on collaborative development has now been enriched by representatives of Opel and Vauxhall, which practice collaborative management.” 

Collaborative development within Groupe PSA consists in sharing strategy with employee representatives at an early stage as part of a close relationship built on trust and transparency. These discussions have led to the signing of company-wide majority agreements that enable the implementation of agile and responsible solutions to adjust the company, protect employees and improve performance.

Collaborative management, or codetermination, has been enshrined in German law since 1976 and establishes employee representation on company boards of directors. Administrative management is entrusted to both management and employees. Collaborative management is considered as a pillar of the German market’s social economy.

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