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Nexteer Automotive joins SAE ITC the Health Ready Components and Systems (HRCS) consortium

Nexteer Automotive, a leader in intuitive motion control, is pleased to join SAE ITC as part of the Health Ready Components and Systems (HRCS) consortium

Nexteer Automotive, a leader in intuitive motion control, is pleased to join SAE ITC as part of the Health Ready Components and Systems (HRCS) consortium. Nexteer joins members Bell, Garrett Motion, General Motors, Global Strategic Solutions LLC, SafeRide Technologies, VHM Innovations LLC and Volvo Group Trucks Technology in the HRCS consortium to implement Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) technologies.

“Nexteer is excited to join SAE’s consortium on Health Ready Components and Systems. Implementing a necessary framework and industry standard enables the deployment of new algorithms – such as in advanced steering features and functions – and increases the dependability of automated and connected vehicles,” said Robin Milavec, Senior Vice President, Executive Board Director, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), Nexteer Automotive.

Peter Grau, program manager, HRCS Consortium, stated: “We believe that IVHM technology will provide significant advantages in terms of performance, availability and safety. To date, the level of IVHM deployment has been limited due in part to a lack of uniform information sharing methods. The HRCS Consortium sees an opportunity to accelerate IVHM implementation through the application of open standards to promote interoperability and avoid the proliferation of costly and potentially counterproductive proprietary approaches.”

Nexteer joins the HRCS Consortium to deploy the best practices and guidance provided in the SAE JA6268™ Standard: Design & Run-Time Information Exchange for Health-Ready Components. SAE JA6268 is the foundational document which facilitates integration of IVHM functionality in health-ready components to meet the needs and objectives of operators, OEMs and government regulators in a cost-effective manner. The standard provides a structured methodology for specifying, characterizing and exposing the inherent IVHM functionality of a component or subsystem using a common functional reference model.

“With the growing technology push for increased electrification and even autonomy in the transportation sectors, VHM and the new SAE HRCS Consortium offers a proactive approach to mitigate the concurrent risks,” said Steve Holland, lead consultant for VHM Innovations, LLC and Chairman of the HRCS Consortium. “Game-changing opportunities abound for Vehicle Health Management in the transportation-related sectors and the new SAE HRCS Consortium promises to speed industrial application.”

IVHM solutions improve fleet efficiencies while improving product reliability and reducing unplanned maintenance and warranty costs. The HRCS Consortium is establishing a multi-sector, global IVHM community to create best practices and procedures for operators, OEMs and suppliers. This will facilitate and promote industry-wide application of IVHM technology to improve asset operational availability, sustainment and efficiencies. The HRCS Consortium will define registration and qualification processes and approvals. Registered component capabilities and contact information will be made available via the SAE HRCS database.

SOURCE: Nexteer Automotive

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