Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. held its 120th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders today at the National Convention Hall of Yokohama. The meeting was attended by 2,814 shareholders and ran for three hours and 22 minutes.
At the meeting, shareholders approved all the resolutions:
- Appropriation of retained earnings for the 120th fiscal year
- Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company
- Election of 11 directors following the expiration of the term of all existing directors
The amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company is aimed to establish a highly robust corporate governance structure with separation of supervisory and audit functions and executive functions in an explicit form. In addition, it is aimed to improve transparency of decision-making through transition to a company with three statutory committees for prompt and agile execution of operations.
The new board of directors comprises 11 individuals, seven of whom are independent outside directors.
Related materials: Notice of Convocation of 120th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
SOURCE: Nissan