NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Toshihiro Uchiyama) has published the newest edition of its integrated annual report: NSK Report 2019.
The NSK Report provides a complete picture of the Company with a breakdown of mid- to long-term strategy and initiatives geared toward creating corporate value. The report systematically details both financial and non-financial aspects of the business for all stakeholders to deepen their understanding of the NSK Group. NSK has been awarded the WICI Japan Award for Excellence in Integrated Reporting for three years running (for NSK Report 2016, 2017, and 2018).
This year’s report highlights our achievements and efforts in sustainable value creation in line with NSK Vision 2026, which conveys our aspirations for the future of the Company and society. This includes in-depth guides on our approach to sustainable growth strategies and risk management, and interviews with the Head of our Automotive Business Division, and the Head of our Industrial Business Division. There is also a special interview with NSK’s Outside Directors on how they are strengthening our corporate governance structures.
The NSK Report is published to communicate with stakeholders, and we will continue to revise and improve based on reader feedback.