In June 2017, passenger car registrations increased only modestly (+2.1%) across the EU, totalling about 1.5 million units. In volume terms, however, last month’s figures come very close to those from June 2007, just before the automotive industry was hit by the economic crisis – thus marking the market’s best performance in a decade. Results among the five big markets were rather diverse, with Italy (+12.9%) and Spain (+6.5%) performing very well, while the UK and Germany saw registrations decline (-4.8% and -3.5% respectively). Noteworthy was the strong performance of the new EU member states (+12.0%), making a significant contribution to region’s results.
Over the first half of 2017, EU demand for passenger cars grew (+4.7%), with more than 8 million new vehicles registered. Italy (+8.9%), Spain (+7.1%), Germany (+3.1%) and France (+3.0%) saw their demand increase, while the United Kingdom registered a slight decline (-1.3%).