Peterbilt Motors Company recognized its top performing dealers with various awards at the 2022 Peterbilt Dealer Meeting. Dealers were awarded for top performance in specific categories:
- Dealer Group of the Year: Allstate Peterbilt Group
- MX Engine Dealer Group of the Year: Allstate Peterbilt Group
- Medium Duty Dealer Group of the Year: Stahl Peterbilt
- Red Oval Dealer Group of the Year: Dobbs Peterbilt
- Service Dealer Group of the Year: Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
- Parts Dealer Group of the Year: Peterbilt of Atlanta
- TRP Dealer Group of the Year: Jackson Group Peterbilt
Peterbilt also presented Best-in-Class Awards, which are based on a combination of Peterbilt’s Standards of Excellence scores, financial performance, parts and service performance and utilization of PACCAR training and programs. Dealerships receiving 2021 Best-in-Class Awards include:
- Allstate Peterbilt Group
- Jackson Group Peterbilt
- JX Truck Center – Peterbilt
- GTG Peterbilt
- Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
- Peterbilt of Atlanta
- Rush Peterbilt Truck Centers
- Stahl Peterbilt
- TLG Peterbilt
- Dobbs Peterbilt
“In 2021, our Peterbilt Dealer Network remained resilient and continued to persevere despite difficulties related to the pandemic. Their accomplishments and commitment to driving Uptime every day for our customers drove outstanding revenues and profits, which has positioned the Peterbilt Network for record capacity growth in 2022,” said Peterbilt’s Director of Dealer Network Development, Peyton Harrell.
SOURCE: Peterbilt