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Quick solving of car-theft cases thanks to app-based service “theft recovery”: Recover the stolen smart

Stuttgart It can happen easily, especially in unfamiliar big cities: You don’t remember exactly where you parked the car. The new “ready to spot” service in the ‘ready to’ app of smart solves this problem conveniently and offers additional functions that make getting back to the car easier. However, should finding it fail because the … Continued

Stuttgart It can happen easily, especially in unfamiliar big cities: You don’t remember exactly where you parked the car. The new “ready to spot” service in the ‘ready to’ app of smart solves this problem conveniently and offers additional functions that make getting back to the car easier. However, should finding it fail because the smart is really gone due to the fact that it was stolen, the new “theft recovery” service helps to communicate with the authorities and recover the smart. As of mid-June both services are available in the ‘ready to’ app free of charge and can be activated there.

The new “ready to spot“ service automatically saves the GPS position of the smart, if the customer has activated the service and has parked the car. If needed, the app guides the owner back to his car. Depending on the distance, the app also suggest the best and most convenient way via moovel to get back to the car – for example, with car2go or mytaxi or by bus and train. The booking is also made very simply by app.

Other elements integrated into the app are a reminder function for when the paid parking period expires, and the flashing function: It facilitates finding the vehicle at night, because it flashes its indicators as soon as you approach your car and push a button in the app. With the help of “ready to spot“, the parked smart can also easily be made the meeting point for friends or family, because the app allows sharing the current position with others.

“theft recovery”: Support following the car theft

Rude awakening: The parking spot is empty, the car apparently stolen. And if you’re hit, you’re grateful for any help. The new “ theft recovery“ service in the ‘ready to’ app of smart begins even earlier. Users are able to put a virtual fence (geofence) around their parked smart. The owner is alerted via the app when he has activated the service and the vehicle leaves the area specified in this way.

Next, he activates the “theft recovery“ mode in the app, which guides him through all necessary steps: from reporting the theft to police to contacting the smart customer service. On explicit request of the customer this service activates the live tracking and contacts the police: Police are then able to identify the current position of the stolen smart, which significantly increases the chances of recovery, of course.

smart “ready to”: innovative urban mobility services

smart has been adding customer-friendly services to its range of mobility products for six years. smart established the smart lab in 2016 as the brand’s think tank to accelerate the development and implementation of creative urban mobility projects.

smart ‘ready to’ stands for a host of innovative services designed to make life in the city easier. For example, smart “ready to share” makes private car sharing as simple, safe and straightforward as using car2go. Authorised users can open friends’ smart vehicles in a matter of seconds, using their smartphone. smart “ready to share” is smartphone-based and uses the vehicle’s “keyless entry” function. In addition to the smart “ready to share” private car sharing function, this new smart service strategy already includes the “ready to rent” hire concept, the smart “ready to drop” and smart “ready to drop+” in-car delivery services, and the smart “ready to park” parking space service.

Further innovative services are being developed in the smart lab. Through over-the-air updates, they will be gradually made available to smart drivers with the ‘ready to’ package.

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