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Renault Group and Bruitparif: when innovation benefits health and the environment

Renault Group and Bruitparif[1] join forces to contribute to the acoustic improvement of roads in order to protect the health of local residents and reduce the environmental impact of vehicles

Following a convincing trial run in 2023 in the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines conurbation (France), Renault Group and Bruitparif have just signed a partnership agreement to establish the very first real map of the acoustic condition of roads in the Ile-de-France region

Equipped with sensors and the Apache device developed by Renault Group engineering, some thirty Megane E-Tech vehicles will be measuring the noise levels of the roads they travel on, to the nearest metre, over a 2-year period, as their owners move about.

The intensity of a road’s noise reflects its state of deterioration, even if it is not visible. Between a recent pavement with good sound-absorbing properties and a dilapidated or severely degraded one, the rolling noise of a vehicle can vary by a factor of 1 to 10.

A deteriorating road also increases rolling resistance, and therefore energy consumption, CO2 emissions and pollutant particles from combustion-powered vehicles, as well as tire abrasion.

Having a detailed map of road acoustics will give local authorities a better understanding of the actual condition of the pavements under their responsibility and enable them to monitor progress.

With this information, previously unavailable in exhaustive form, they will be able to better define their road repair decisions and intervene in priority areas, thus contributing directly to the reduction of noise pollution from all road traffic and its impact on health.

Environmental benefits are not overlooked either, with reduced energy consumption and lower emissions (CO2, tire particles, etc.) from all vehicles.

“This partnership with Bruitparif will provide invaluable assistance to towns and local authorities for whom the road repair strategy is a major challenge and an important part of their budget. Our Apache innovation shows that technology can actually help improve society. By taking an interest in non-traditional areas of the automotive industry, it is even possible to create new value chains for Renault Group ” – Thomas ANTOINE, Renault Group – Expert Leader Noise and et Vibration

“Joining forces with Renault Group, and benefiting from its Apache technology, will enable us to significantly improve the accuracy and quality of the strategic noise maps we produce for the 14 Île-de-France conurbations responsible for implementing European Directive 2002/49/EC. They will enable us to identify sectors with deteriorated pavements, heavy traffic, a large number of local residents and/or the presence of schools, health establishments, etc., and which should therefore be considered by local authorities as priority sectors for pavement repairs” – Olivier BLOND, Bruitparif President

SOURCE: Renault Group

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