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Ricardo to host powertrain electrification seminar in Yokohama, Japan, on 25th May

Ricardo will share its deep insights into the global development of automotive powertrain electrification, as well as the innovations and technologies created by its own engineers, at an industry seminar to be hosted on Thursday, 25 May 2017, at The Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu, Yokohama, Japan. For more information or to view the seminar programme, … Continued

Ricardo will share its deep insights into the global development of automotive powertrain electrification, as well as the innovations and technologies created by its own engineers, at an industry seminar to be hosted on Thursday, 25 May 2017, at The Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu, Yokohama, Japan.

For more information or to view the seminar programme, click here or on the link at the top right of the pageThe seminar – Ricardo’s powertrain electrification technology for tomorrow’s markets – takes place in parallel with the JSAE annual congress, and will include presentations by Ricardo experts on a wide range of highly topical subjects relating to electrified powertrain technologies and applications. These include a review of the future for low carbon hybrid and electric vehicles, the latest developments in gasoline engines and transmissions for electrified powertrain use, and insights into the latest plug-in vehicle powertrain architecture concepts. In addition, further presentations will address the disruptive impact of connected and autonomous vehicles on mobility, and the cross-functional structural integration of the battery pack in a luxury battery electric vehicle optimized for mass, stiffness and NVH.

“The factors that influence the development and application of passenger car powertrain technologies today are more complex than at any time in the history of the automotive industry,” commented Ricardo Japan president Akio Okamura, who will chair the seminar. “Our seminar will show how Ricardo is leading the way in high calibre research across engines, drivelines and hybrid systems, as well as supporting the development of emerging technologies such as autonomous and connected vehicles.”

Delegate spaces are already heavily booked for this event but a small number of spaces remain available. For further information about the seminar, or to request delegate registration, please contact Takae Nomura of Ricardo Japan at or call +81 (0)45 471 7622.

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